Notice Independence Airpark Homeowners Association Notice
Board Meeting Agenda


February 3, 2005 -- 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Independence Public Library - 175 Monmouth St.


  1. Director and Committee Reports:
    1. Secretary Robert English
    1. Treasurers Report John McCoy
    1. Architectural Committee Greg Smith
    2. Maintenance Committee Lynn McDonald/Craig Cowles
    3. Director at Large Phyllis Upright
    4. Director at Large Dennis Widby
    5. Vice-President John Horn
    6. President Richard Juve
  1. Unfinished business
    1. Notice of Board Meetings (from Oct. 27th Meeting)
    2. Storage of Maintenance Equipment (from Oct. 27th Meeting)
    3. Community Center – Feasibility Study (Annual Meeting Vote)
    4. Walkways – Proposal (Annual Meeting – Dick)
    5. ORS applicability to the Association (Annual Meeting – Dick)
  2. New Business
    1. Update on Checking Accounts (John)
    2. Update corporate documents – Oregon Sec. of State (Dick)
    3. Mailbox Access and Responsibilities
    4. Stormwater Master Plan – City of Independence (Dick)
    5. Vehicle Use of Taxiways (Alan/Craig)
    6. Budget for 2005 (Dick/John)
    7. Document other known items the Board needs to address this year
  3. Schedule Next Meeting
  4. Adjourn


Rev 01/22/05