7:00 p.m. October 24, 2019




General Membership Welcome and call to order



Secretary’s Report – Approval of Minutes from July Meeting



Discussion, Comments and/or questions from IAHA residents



Treasurer’s Report – Margaret Cleveland



Architectural Committee Report – Dave Martin



Maintenance Committee Report – Al Cleveland



President’s Report


·        2019 Association Ballot preparation.

·        How does the Board wish to address an increasing number of resident concerns being raised by neighbors requesting that the Board “do something” about enforcing existing CC&R requirements (including neighborly personal relationships), as well as City Code requirements and how the taxiways are to be managed with respect to individual use ?


For perspective, last year similar issues were included on the agenda:

·        Managing pets and related sanitary concerns; related City ordinances;

·        Use of Taxiways per CC&R and ODA Access Agreement requirements;

·        Maintenance/use of individual residential properties, including City Ordinance issues.


Other Board member reports and/or comments for the Good of the Order


·        Any updates on the 7S5 Master Plan ??


