IAHA Board Meeting

April 27, 2017


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Gary. Present were: Al & Margaret Cleveland, Gary Van Horn, Robert English, John Horn, Dave Martin, Alan Wright. Herb Jolliff was out of state and could not attend. Guests included Henry Bartle, who spoke later.


SECRETARY: The minutes for January have been posted on the website for public viewing for a while now. John Horn moved to approve the minutes as posted, and Margaret Cleveland seconded. All approved by voice vote.


MEMBERSHIP COMMENTS: Henry Bartle had a proposal to process the payments for the proposed taxiway maintenance plan, to make the special assessment option easier to deal with, and to do all the bookkeeping as necessary. IAHA would get the money, and Henry would simply keep track of this. Offering a loan percentage at 8% for those who need to make time payments will be part of the plan. Discussion followed regarding the finer points of this. There still needs to be a plan in order to put it before the vote of the membership before this can be considered. Gary said this would be helpful to implement the special assessment, should this option be chosen.


TREASURER: Margaret passed around a quarterly report, along with bills paid during the quarter. The taxiway fee gets paid out to the ODA in July. Two properties have not paid their ingress/egress fees and liens have already been applied to the properties in question. Some discussion centered around finer points in the expenses, such as the printing of the neighborhood rosters (paper is definitely preferred, as has been discussed in previous years).


Margaret further stated that there is one property that has four years worth of liens on it. All of the others have paid off their liens.


ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE: Dave said there were two projects so far this year, including the Robertsons who bought 617 Luscomb and have submitted the plan for a house. 627 Luscomb has been purchased by the Harrises, and the committee is meeting next Wednesday to view the plans for their house. Neither of them are aviators, though Chad Robertson is a helicopter mechanic who will be getting his pilot license.


Two properties are in escrow at the moment, one due to close in May and the other in June.


MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE: Al related the ongoing discussion about the taxiway plan, mainly the tar coating which is flaking off in various spots. He brought out a rental catalog which includes a scrubber to take the flakes down (at walking speed). It is like a street sweeper and runs about $840.00 per day. We have no way of knowing whether it will work or not until we try it. Lots of discussion followed, including what to do with the debris and how much time this might take. John Horn made a motion to authorize up to $1,000.00 to rent the sweeper, and Dave Martin seconded. All approved by voice vote.


Al proposed a work day for gravel along the taxiways, and he needs to ask the EAA to use space to dump the mound of gravel. There is a rock spreader which is currently owned by someone in the North Annex. The work day for spreading the gravel has yet to be set.


The mowing and weeding season has started. Al has mowed as conditions allowed. He is using a weed killer called Sahara, which promises to be more effective than the Roundup he has been using up until now. Keeping pets away for an hour or two is a good idea.


The tractor has had some maintenance done but will need some other things, such as the wheels will need to be replaced next year since they are rusting out around the valve stems. Gary asked about the tappet noise fix, and Al says it was improved but the noise has not gone away; some more troubleshooting will be necessary.


Discussion turned to Henry Bartle's idea regarding the 8% percentage for those who needed to pay on time, and Al said he was leaning toward a flat fee assessed over a five-year period. Discussion followed. Gary said he would prefer to have all of it handled by the official Treasurer rather than having part of the work farmed out to a member of the community. Lots more discussion centered around the other points of the taxiway maintenance plan. Margaret made the motion that John's financial plan, to collect $500 per household for five years as a special assessment for taxiway maintenance reserve, be accepted in order to be placed on a ballot later this year. This vote was for the assessment provision only. Dave seconded. All approved by voice vote. Al and John will write a plan.


PRESIDENT'S REPORT: Gary had kept everyone informed every step along the way regarding the City's decision regarding the marijuana processing plant. There is a meeting next Monday of the City planning committee to decide about setbacks for such an operation, and Gary will be there as a representative of the Airpark. The appeal has been filed, and Gary will send a copy of that out to Board members by email.

Gary asked Alan about the sound measuring equipment he has, as this could help to get readings on the current background noise to serve as a baseline. Discussion centered around what this would be compared to, and the manner of noises to be excluded by EPA statute. Bruce Patton has been researching this and will assist with the gathering of the baseline background noise data.


GOOD OF THE ORDER: The finance committee for Minet has some openings and there have been no takers from this community at this time. There have been gains in efficiency in recent months, and the business model does need to be changed, but things are moving in the right direction financially.


The meeting with the lawyer resulted in 5 affirmative votes to move forward with the appeal for the City's decision. Margaret and Al Cleveland, John Horn, Herb Jolliff, and Gary Van Horn.


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 PM. Next meeting is set for July 27, 7:00 PM, at the EAA hangar.


EXECUTIVE SESSION: held on March 31, 2017, meeting called to order at 7:00 PM at the EAA hangar.

Subject: taxiway engineering study

The Board requires the information of what work is needed, both short-term and long-term, on the taxiways in order to put together a proposal for bidding by contractors.

John Horn made the motion to allocate $7,500 to pay for the engineering study of the taxiway system as proposed, and Margaret Cleveland seconded. All approved unanimously.

*** NOTE: ***

The money was not actually spent, as the engineer was too busy to start the study when he was contacted after the meeting.

Executive session was adjourned at 8:56 PM.




