IAHA Board Meeting

May 17, 2005


The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM by vice-president John Horn.  Present were Craig Cowles, Lynn McDonald, Greg Smith, John Horn, John McCoy, Dennis Widby, Robert English, and Phyllis Upright.  Guests in attendance: Andy Andersen, John Sedey, Carole Gabel, Dave Martin, Betty Koch, Kathy Widby, Ken Pabo, and Harry Bladow.


Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the previous meeting had been emailed to the board members in advance, and there were no additional corrections other than two that had been noted by John McCoy (corrected amount to be sent to the ODA, and Marilyn Husser’s name on page 2).  John McCoy made the motion that the minutes be approved, and Dennis Widby seconded.  All approved by voice vote.  The web site has no issues currently.  John Horn asked if the agenda of an upcoming meeting could be posted in advance, and the reply was affirmative.


Treasurer’s report: John passed around the financial printout for January to April, showing a new bottom-line figure of $79,687.00.  John proposed moving some CD accounts to Sterling Bank in the future, mostly because they have more competitive interest rates, though this will not happen right away – only as the CDs expire at their current banks and interest rates rise a little more.  John McCoy asked Craig Cowles whether a monthly estimate of maintenance expenditure was possible, and Craig responded that it was possible to estimate what work would be done per month but actual expenditure depended on many variables.  Slurry coating for some taxiways in July was asked about specifically, and the answer was that there was no way to tell how much would need to be done before a survey was made. 


Architectural: There was a meeting of the committee on May 2, at which the Altman’s plans for 673 Cessna (hangar and home renovation) was reviewed and approved.  There are no projects pending at this time.


Maintenance: The big ditch was taken care of as much as possible, though it’s getting difficult to mow with the ground so wet.  The weed-whacker attachment on the tractor needed to be replaced, since it hits rocks and gets banged up, and after regular maintenance the equipment is working perfectly well.  Craig also had a comment about Richard Juve’s letter, in which he specifically listed his reason for resignation as the vote at the last meeting (which gave the Maintenance crew permission to mow as they see fit).  Craig said that he did not get paid for mowing private lots, as the letter implied.  A guest from the floor said that the CC&Rs limited the tractor’s use to mow common properties and not private property.  Dennis further stated that the vote at the last meeting did not allow the maintenance crew to do anything illegal.  Phyllis asked whether it was best to let every private property owner take care of their own lot, and the City should get after the lot owners if they let the grass grow too high.  Carole brought up the request that the City made, years ago, of the Airpark maintenance crew to maintain airpark lots and leave the City out of it.  Further discussion filtered down to the issue about the vacant lots, which were the only issue remaining.  John Sedey said that, when he was President, there used to be a list of vacant lots and their owners, and those owners used to get a letter listing various people who would be available to mow the lawn for a fee in their absence – this worked well for the most part, and he suggested that the Board go back to that procedure.  John McCoy said that was a good idea, and he volunteered to work with Craig to contact the lot owners about this, thereby solving this issue finally. 


Directors At Large: Phyllis posted a notice about this meeting at the gas pumps last Friday, which “makes us legal”.  Dennis Widby had no report.


Unfinished Business: John Horn said that the IAHA by-laws and CC&Rs should be reviewed with an eye to changing only what is necessary, keeping the parts that work.  The plan is to review the presentation that Richard Juve made at the previous meeting and see what workable changes were suggested there, and a committee was formed to report to the Vice President by the next meeting (this committee consists of John McCoy, Dennis Widby, Phyllis Upright, and Robert English). The drainage ditch at Stryker Road is not a problem right now, and any property owner who does damage to it should be liable for the damage they do.  The Ash Creek Water District is the organization that would be moving against any homeowner that blocks the ditch. The housing east of Stryker was covered at an informational meeting downtown, given by Doug Wyant, and Dave Martin gave a short description of what happened.  The synopsis was that the only way to make this work would be to close Stryker and extend the taxiways to the new properties.  It is only in the early planning stages, which means it may not happen at all.  John Horn said that IAHA needed to keep an eye on that, and oppose it if it gets to the point of being built.  Andy Andersen said the ODA was aware and concerned about this development.  While we were on the subject of neighbor complaints, John Horn made the point that the pilots need to be better neighbors in order to not engender ill will on existing residents around the airpark. Many suggestions went around the room after this, including posting a sign suggesting using runway 16 if the wind was less than 5 knots.  No motion was made at this time.


New Business: John Horn asked about whether we needed a new President.  The consensus around the room was that the current Vice President should continue “filling in” until the election for 2006.  Phyllis made a motion that vice president John Horn be accepted in the role of President for the year.  Craig Cowles seconded, and all approved by voice vote.


For the good of the community: Andy had flyers passed around for the Memorial Day Fly-By on the 30th.  Notice has been sent out to the FBOs  as well as local media.  Some military craft could be there, though there’s been no confirmation from the military yet.


The motion to adjourn was made by Phyllis Upright, and seconded by Dennis and Craig simultaneously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 PM.  Next meeting to be approximately three months from now, date and time to be announced.


Respectfully submitted by Robert English, secretary.


