The meeting
was called to order by President Alan at 7:00PM. Present were Al & Margaret
Cleveland, Alan Wright, Keith Moes, Robert English, Bob Spencer, and John Horn.
Several guests were present this evening, including Ron Singh and Ken &
LaVeta Day.
suggestions that Ron Singh had put forward got a positive reaction from the
Board and each item was taken seriously & discussed in detail.
1) Agenda -
the basic structure is already being followed, and suggestions for improvements
to it were considered on-point.
2) Meetings
- biggest concern here was that the volunteer positions on this Board be
spelled out clearly, and Treasurer Margaret has already made some steps toward
clarifying each role.
3) Minutes -
discussion centered around a more secure website, perhaps including digital
Zoom meeting recordings, and a sign-in sheet so names of guests will be better
4) Documents
- review of this action item is being taken under advisement.
Transparency - while documentation is already posted on the current website,
the presentation of it (see item 3 above) can benefit from a more secure
website to allow for items such as financial information.
6) Taxiway
Restoration - weather delayed this project, which was well understood by those
in attendance, and the update of aspects surrounding this year's restoration
work was appreciated.
7) CC&R
Enforcement - a schedule of fines was discussed since other homeowners
associations have such a schedule as part of their By-Laws, which proves to be
a good means of enforcing the existing regulations.
Ken Day's
suggestions regarding posting small sections of the CC&Rs in the Block
Herald was discussed, and President Alan has volunteered to take this action
item into consideration.
The meeting
was adjourned at 9:10PM. Respectfully submitted by Robert English, IAHA