IAHA Board meeting

September 21 2005


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by vice-president John Horn.  Present were: John McCoy, Phyllis Upright, Dennis and Kathy Widby, Greg Smith, Alan Wright, Craig Cowles, John Horn, Robert English, Ed Hannevig, Betty Koch, Herb Jolliff, Harry and Suzanne Bladow, Carole Gabel, Norm and Reta Farb, Glenn Plymate, Jerry Litaka, Wyne Nutsch, Fred and Carole Krieg, Sam Archer, and Jim Ashford.


SECRETARY: Robert had sent out the minutes by email, so everyone on the Board had a chance to read them.  Phyllis Upright made the motion to approve the minutes as sent by email, Craig Cowles seconded.  All approved by voice vote.


TREASURER: John passed around an updated balance sheet showing the expenditure since June (about $1,000.00).  The current bottom line, as of August 31, is $78,623.00.  Dennis Widby made the motion to approve the treasurer's report as presented, Craig Cowles seconded.  All approved by voice vote.


ARCHITECTURE: There were four meetings of the architectural committee, from August 3 to September 20: on August 3 the hangar extention at 744 Cessna for Michael Corcoran was approved; on August 15 the new house and hangar at 757 Luscombe for Roger and Bobbi Weber was approved; on August 22 the new house and hangar at 854 Cessna for Bob Schwartzler was approved; and on September 20 the fence at 743 Cessna for Steve and Kay Giesy was approved.  No new projects are currently on the docket.


MAINTENANCE: Craig passed around a list of expenditures and accomplishments as of the 20th, and also talked about a proposal to install "no parking" signs in the turn-around section of Mooney Street to discourage cars for sale being parked there.  The signs are to be plastic letters on wood and posted on the City's property.  John Horn asked whether the City should be the ones to post the signs, since then the police could enforce it directly.  This started some discussion as to whether the City has an existing vested interest in keeping this area clear for fire trucks.  The signs were considered a good idea.  Some discussion ensued about people who use Mooney as a cutoff for Hoffman which is not safe - the posting of "dead end" signs at the entrance of Mooney would be appropriate.   The decision was to pursue it with the City and get back to the Board with the results.  There are no new projects on the docket for this year, just regular maintenance, though next year there may be some asphalt resealing - this will not be known until an inspection is performed at that time.


DIRECTORS AT LARGE: Phyllis Upright said she posted a notice for this meeting at the gas pumps to be in accordance with ordinances.  Dennis Widby had nothing to report.  Former president Alan Wright brought up the "build to suit" sign at the southern approach.  John Horn said that he would look at the FAA plan to see if this area was considered a "no build" zone to keep the approaches safe.


PRESIDING OFFICER: John brought up the exhibits which will be at the airport for the Hop Festival this weekend, which will include bi-plane rides.  The fire-water issue is currently in limbo while the City reviews the plans, and there has been no communication from the ODA as to how the firewater is going to be paid for. 



Committee on Updating the ByLaws: Robert English stated that the documents were in the hands of the committee folks, and there would be a review of these to tighten up the language as well as bring in the change that was voted on at the end of 2003 (having to do with the ODA fee collection).  Alan Wright brought up the various typographic errors that had been found over time, and Phyllis offered to bring Alan in on the committee meeting to review the by-laws.  The proposed end-time for this is the December general meeting.

Collection of Stearman Street ODA fees: John Horn passed around a draft of a resolution he had written (IAHA Resolution 09-01) which stated that the IAHA would enter negotiations with the ODA to take on the collection of the Stearman Street fees.  John gave a brief recap of his meeting with Jennifer and Charlie over at ODA that resulted in this resolution being written.  Some discussion ensued as to how bureaucracies tend to operate, and that the ODA would love to take this opportunity to rewrite the ingress/egress agreement more in their favor.  Alan had a copy of the Stearman Street agreement in his binder and Fred Krieg had made several xerox copies for the Board's review.  More discussion centered around the ramifications of enforcing collection and whether the Board has any inherent right to put a lien on a Stearman Street property.  The consensus was that the collection of fees for the ODA was not a problem, but reopening the Stearman Street agreement for negotiation is not good.  Since the existing resolution did not address reopening the Stearman agreement, but simply a green light for further discussion with ODA, the resolution was acceptable.  John McCoy made the motion to sign the agreement as John Horn had presented it at tonight's meeting, and Alan Wright seconded. The paper went around to be signed after all approved by voice vote.



Selection of Date for Annual Homeowner's Meeting:  Currently the first Sunday in December at the Krummel's hangar is planned, and there was no objection.

Procedure for Nominations for 2006 Board Members:  Alan said that the old policy was to ask the person who did not want to be on the Board to find their own replacement, and the ballot was sent out four weeks before the general meeting.  Nominations from the floor would also be accepted at the meeting before the general meeting, usually in October.  Two members, Phyllis Upright and Greg Smith, stated that they did not want to be on the Board for 2006.  Some discussion ensued as to good election practice, and that each candidate give a brief bio so that new residents could know who they are voting for. 

Discussion Directors & Officers, Liability Insurance:  John McCoy stated that the north-end Homeowner’s Association had just purchased some liability insurance for themselves, and John had a hand-out which was passed around covering the various things that this insurance would cover - the policy which is currently in force for the north end costs about $1,200.00 per year for a million dollars worth of coverage.  Discussion followed after this, largely concerning the "deep pocket" that insurance represents (and might attract criminal attention).  There was an additional point brought up from the floor that the treasurer should perhaps be bonded for the amount anticipated to be in the treasury.  John asked whether a committee should be formed to look at this, and since there was already a committee formed to clarify the by-laws this item was tacked on to their agenda.

Determining the Amount of 2006 Dues Assessment:  John McCoy passed out a paper which mapped out the anticipated and historic expenditures, which form the basis of how much the homeowner's dues should be.  This schedule, going back to 1994, covered the costs of the taxiway slurry coating.  The taxiways had been rebuilt earlier, around 1992, which was a very expensive undertaking.  After some discussion of how much would be needed on hand if we had to replace every taxiway (which John McCoy stated was not his original point, he was only clarifying the actual expenditures), he passed out another sheet which accumulated a running average over the last five years that amounted to an expenditure of $75.00 per lot.  Alan thanked John for providing these figures, and also brought up the considerations of inflation and materials cost increases (such as asphalt), which would work as upward pressure on the dues.  John Horn stated that, based on these figures, he would leave the dues at $100.00.  After lots more discussion, and a brief history of the IAHA fees structure, John McCoy resumed his discussion by asking what the reserve requirements should be over and above the cost per lot.  Dennis Widby stated that the $25.00 per lot for cushion is not unreasonable, and he then made the motion that the figure of $100.00 be accepted as the fee amount for next year.  Greg Smith seconded.  All approved by voice vote.  Reserve requirements will be added to the agenda for the next board meeting


ADJOURNMENT: Phyllis made the motion to adjourn the meeting, and John McCoy seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 PM.  Next meeting is to be in late October or early November.


Respectfully submitted by Robert English, secretary


