IAHA Board Meeting

October 25, 2012


The meeting was called to order by President Gary Van Horn at 7:00 PM. Present were: John Horn, Dave Martin, Alan Wright, Craig Cowles, Gary Van Horn, and Kelly Wilson. Andy Andersen and Dave Ullman were visitors. Gail Hill arrived as the meeting was called to order.


SECRETARY: Robert was working this evening and could not attend. The previous minutes for the July meeting have been on line as draft minutes and everyone present had a chance to read them.  John Horn moved that the minutes be approved as presented on the web site, and Dave Martin seconded.  All approved by voice vote.


COMMENTS FROM MEMBERS: Dave Ullman had prepared a handout for the board, explaining that he had purchased a lot here and has been trying to move up here, and is proposing the construction of a modular home on his lot.  The specific modular construction he is proposing is identical in appearance to regular stick-built, and has asked around regarding the impact of such a home on adjacent property value and has not found any negative impact. He went into more detail regarding the type of home he is intending to build, saying he is still in the process of gathering information about actual cost.  John suggested this needed to be brought to a vote of the membership, altering Article 6 Section 2 of the CC&Rs, and that the wording of that motion might allow too loose a standard for future home construction.  Discussion ensued around these points.  Gary said that there was no reason to limit this vote to the end of the year timeframe, that a special election might be more suitable. Dave Ullman said he would have more information in a few weeks, and then he could come up with some language that can be further discussed.  John made the motion that a subcommittee be formed consisting of past presidents of the board, along with architectural chair Dave Martin, to look into the matter.  Dave Martin seconded. All approved by voice vote. 


TREASURER: Gail said that there has not been substantial change since her last report in July.  We have received a check for $310.00 from the Muis family to pay the annual assessment for one property of the two.  (This check arrived months late.) There has been no change to their lien status at this time.


GOOD OF THE ORDER: Andy stated that ISAS has agreed to host the Pilot Memorial event again for Memorial Day 2013.


ARCHITECTURE: The committee has approved a room addition on 767 Luscombe where Greg and Margaret Smith are now living.  It is to be used as a hobby room and storage, and construction has already started.


MAINTENANCE: Craig said that the cattails on the south end got up around 3 feet high, and after a few attempts he got it removed.  Gary asked Craig if there could be a notice sent out a couple of weeks before Craig sprays for weeds along the taxiway. Craig said that if they wanted that they could put up a sign up saying "no spray" and leave it up all year.


PRESIDENT'S REPORT: There was some concern about the new City ordinance about chickens in back yards, since the City allows that now but the IAHA CC&Rs prohibit the keeping of chickens.  Dave suggested that this change be proposed at the same time the ballot measure comes up about the modular home question discussed earlier, whenever that occurs. 


There was a meeting at City Hall regarding drainage, which Gary attended, and the full minutes that Forrest Peck wrote are to be sent out through the Block Herald network.  Highlights are as follows: One line of the underground storm sewer system carrying water away from the Airpark's southeast corner was found to be plugged during the cleaning process and several downstream culverts with crushed openings have now been repaired.  A new 24" line has been installed at Airport Road and Hoffman Road in place of an existing 12" line which should substantially help carry any water coming to the east via the Hoffman Road Ditch into the storm sewer system instead of allowing it to run over on to Mooney St.  The City is also initiating a system-wide drainage study as well as working on improving the flow of water in other areas around the Airpark; this should enhance overall drainage performance. The notes from the meeting with the City will be distributed once they are in final form.


About the insurance policy for the Board of Directors: Gary said he was working with Brown and Brown of Colorado as well as with Wells Fargo, our current agent, to get quotes to consider.  We have also asked for information regarding liability coverage for the taxiways.  Gary also passed around the upcoming ballot, saying the only two people he had not heard from yet were Gail and Craig, both of whom agreed to serve one more year.


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM. Submitted by Robert English, secretary, from digital recording made by Dave Martin.


