Board of Directors Meeting

February 20, 2017


Members of the Board met at Don Draeger’s home at 6:30PM


Present:  Carl Harr, Bruce Patton, Judi West, Joe Zink and Don Draeger

Guest:      Christine Harr


Meeting called to order.

Bruce gave an overview of our current financial situation.

Annual billing ($300) for taxiway maintenance will be sent to Members soon.

Bruce will be North Park’s second liaison, along with Don Draeger, at ISAS meetings.

Bruce will arrange to reimburse Mike and Melinda Short the $200 filing fee paid to the City of Independence to appeal the cannabis approval decision.  The motion to reimburse a Member for filing an appeal was voted at the last annual meeting.  There is $300 available for any further appeals.

Discussion held on authorizing up to $3,000 for legal fees opposing the cannabis operation planned across Stryker Road.  Legal fees will be shared with IAHA proportionally.

Motion:  Bruce motioned to authorize up to $3,000 for legal fees opposing the cannabis operation planned on Stryker Road.  Seconded by Don Draeger.  Motion approved.

Bruce talked with IAHA regarding their desire to core drill their taxiways to determine condition of same.  North Park may participate with ISAS in geotechnical work.   The work will not happen until late summer so the Board will have time for another Board meeting when details are better defined.

Joe procured estimates for weed spraying the sides of taxiways.  Rasmussen Spray would charge approximately $1,425 per year.  However, they would need to use a 3/4 ton truck on the taxiways.  It was felt the truck weight would be too much.  Board decided to continue doing its own in-house spraying (Joe).  (Any crack filling on taxiways will continue to be done by Bob Watkins.)

Judi brought up usage of drones within North Park.  Drones should not hover over other’s property or infringe on another’s privacy.

Recently, a number of cars have been observed on North Park’s taxiways.  People are coming through the broken gate by the restaurant.  Carl advised the posts for the new gate have been installed.  Once the key card reader and gate are installed, it should stop vehicles from coming through.


Submitted by:  Judi West, HOA Secretary